As with many, if not most, of you, the Pilgrim has developed this unfortunate attention deficit thingamabob. Barely into the latest project, he finds himself totally obsessed with starting another. At this moment alone, the Pilgrim finds himself alternately immersed in the following:
- Piggyback Throw
- Stripey socks (Jaywalker) for the LS-O
- Other stripey socks for the LS-O (I believe I have hinted at the Long-Suffering Other's stripey sock obsession)
- Noro stripe scarf (with affectionate nod to Jared of BrooklynTweed)
(The Diamond Vee, thankfully, is finally complete.)
That may not sound like much to some of you, but it doesn't even begin to scratch the multitude of projects sitting untouched in my formidable stash, beckoning to me - not least of which, the mohair sweater project inspired by madam Miuccia, as foreshadowed in a previous post.
And now comes a proposed knit-along on the
Men Who Knit site - a scarf project for which - lo - I just happen to have the exact yarn suggested sitting in my stash, awaiting a project of its own. Much as I would love to jump in and join the parade.....dare I? Dare I tempt fate with yet another unfinished project? Dare I provoke the headshaking sighs of the Long-Suffering Other as he eyes the bits and scraps of sticks and wool scattered hither and yon in the least small cranny of our comfortable home?
What, I ask, is a Pilgrim to do?
[...a sigh, a roll of the eye, a tentative reach for another new skein...]