Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stashbusting Pilgrim

A quick scarf project is as good a way to use up a leftover skein or two as any. It is for times like these that the Pilgrim keeps his trusty stitch guides at hand.

Yea, even the lowly scarf can be a way to keep one's mind creatively engaged and, indeed, serve as an incubator of ideas for larger projects yet to come.

Matching a pattern to a fiber in a way one has not tried before can create lovely little scarf surprises for oneself or one's friends.

Case in point, the Diagonal Garter Ribbing scarf created from a bit of leftover Rowan Felted Tweed, and a simple stitch pattern from Debbie Bliss' "How To Knit."

I love how the traveling diagonals meld with the rich, tweedy goodness of the fiber, which was doubled in this case to add some tweedy bulk.

I call this a success, and one that I believe I will enjoy all to myself...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Putting one's feet up...

Taking a pilgrimage to the country for a few days in celebration of our presidents (current one notwithstanding), and taking some time to put up one's feet. But not before sharing the latest stripey socks for the Long-Suffering Other, who will also be putting up feet, not unlike the recent photo at right. Note the particular, long-suffering quality, lessened only slightly by newly knit stripes.

Ah, the three-day weekend...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lost in Austen

Please tell me that the Pilgrim is not the only one to be lost in Austen of late. With PBS running The Complete Jane Austen over the course of six or seven Sundays (and what great knitting accompaniment that is!), he has found himself completely immersed. So much, in fact, that he has declared 2008 the year that he will read (or reread) the complete works.

Tis a reasonable goal: there are, I believe, but six published full-length novels. And as one can see, I have run out already and purchased the Penguin Classics set.

To date I have completed reading "Sense and Sensibility," as the dog-eared paperback at right will attest.

"P & P" would logically come next - as it did originally in print. But do chime in, Gentle Reader, with your thoughts. Which of Miss Austen's oeuvre should the Pilgrim pick up next?

I do look forward to your comments and, as always, your thoughts.

Until next time...
Happy Reading.
- KP

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Uncle-ar Pride (or, Having Gifted the Hoodie)

Awww shucks.
I guess this means he liked it...he really liked it!