Gentle Reader, as anyone who has visited this vicinity with any regularity will know, the Knitty Pilgrim is strongly biased towards anything Noro. A quick review of recent postings will attest to this fact. Indeed, four of these last five musings have been devoted to Noro creations of one stripe or other.
There is something so satisfying in the knitting of a Noro yarn: a kind of quaint homespun-ness in its varying thicknesses, its pleasing scratchiness that, upon further manipulation, softens with time. Most of all, there is the outrageous inventiveness of Mr. Noro's ever-changing colorways. One feels that even the simplest of garments knit of Noro yarn yields unique and eye-catching artistry.

Thus, have we here, a new Bias Scarf, this time knit using Noro Kureyon Sock yarn on US #3 needles. Best of all, the entire adult-length scarf was knit using a single skein, making it not only lovely to look at, but economical as well. Well suited to these turbulent times, don't you agree? Well suited indeed...

Bias Scarf
Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn #S236
US #3 circular needles
1 Skein and lots of little garter stitches
1 Skein and lots of little garter stitches