An apt likeness, if I do say so myself.
Need I say more?
An apt likeness, if I do say so myself.
Need I say more?
Dear me - the Pilgrim must ask Santa for a nice new digital camera...n'est-ce pas? (Trust me, it's gorgeous!)
Indeed, how do I love this project? Let me count the ways....(one merely hope it fits - they don't always, you know...)
Day by day, stitch by stitch, slowly but surely, it grows.
All hail Fall!
What better project to take along on the road but a lovely little sock - in this case, the famous "Jaywalker" by the divine Grumperina.
Trekking pro natura, 75% superwash, 25% bamboo, color #1602, on US #1 bamboo needles.
Needless to say, this colorway, although beautiful, is a bit wild for a Pilgrim. Indeed, it is one in a series of projects to address my Long-Suffering Other's obsession with stripey socks of any sort. The wilder and stripey-er the better, as far as the L-SO is concerned. (However, I will secretly admit that, based on how well this is shaping up, the Pilgrim will surely try these on for size when done.)
Oh, and by the by, the photos were taken in our delightful hotel room at the Helvetia & Bristol, in the veritable heart of Firenze. Not inexpensive, but everything a Pilgrim would want in a hotel. (The Long-Suffering Other is nothing if not an excellent arranger of things, including the many details of this most recent pilgrimage. Most deserving of a beautiful sock. Most deserving indeed.....)
Harper's Bazaar, Aug. 2007
Sweet dreams of swaddling splendor...
And this one, below, shows how, if one is careful in picking up consistently from the Right Side each time, the right side squares will look:
This photo, below, shows the Wrong Side, which really isn't so terribly bad either, n'est-ce pas?
One other thought: once you've reached your desired overall size and shape, Dear Friend Elizabeth suggests a crochet edging all around for that perfect final finish.
I do hope this helps - especially the dear Ninny. If further questions persist, please do not hesitate to inquire.
"Size matters - at least when it comes to this season's knitted goods.
"Everyone loves a cozy knit. Now the cold-weather favorite gets bigger, beefier and bolder with amped-up texture and proportions. On the fall runways, designers moved away from refined takes in favor of oversize knits that were chunky and raw. 'It's a less precious look,' says Twinkle's Wenlan Chia. To achieve that rugged sensibility for the colossal offerings in this Giles collection, Giles Deacon commissioned special knitting needles. 'They were basically two enormous broomsticks,' he quips -- Venessa Lau."
Until next time, may the chunks be with you.....
The Diamond Vee arose from one's desire for a casual, summer weight pullover for long, languid evenings by the shore. To begin, I chose a virtually weightless Rowan Summer Tweed in a suitably dour charcoal gray (although it tickles the Pilgrim no end to note that, if one were to inspect it truly close up, one could detect the occasional subversive flecking of pink!). Next, a somewhat lacy stitch pattern was chosen for a bit of breezy ventilation along the length of the front - in this case, the Moss Stitch Diamond Panel from my trusty Harmony Guide.
I'm not at all sure this displays very well - in sooth, I fear it does not - but my calculations convinced me that, after a small one-inch ribbing along the bottom hem, approximately three diamond repeats would take me up to the base of the Vee.
I'm still in the sewing and finishing up phase at the moment, but my senses tell me that, once complete, this will be a right suitable garment for a Pilgrim to wear. A right suitable garment indeed.
Adventures in knittery and, occasionally, a good yarn...