Thursday, August 2, 2007

Swaddling Splendor

'Tis rare indeed that the Pilgrim finds himself at a loss for words, but methinks he will let the picture speak for itself:

Harper's Bazaar, Aug. 2007

Sweet dreams of swaddling splendor...


Anonymous said...

It's the perfect color!

It reminds me of a sea creature:)

I think you would have to be very fashion forward to wear this? Probably best suited for Tokyo/NYC...

Anonymous said...

Did you see all the glorious greys in the newest Vogue Knitting?

-Curious K

Knitty Pilgrim said...

"glorious greys"??? Dear boy - mustn't toy with a Pilgrim in this manner! What's the issue date?

Anonymous said...

It's the Fall 2007, 25th Anniversary Issue